International Bear Rendezvous begins the second week in February and what a weekend that promises to be. I am running for International Bear Cub. That's right. There is no formal California Cub or Mr. Cub America, it goes from Bay Area to International -BAM! The Competition is a demanding one, at least to my 45 year old self it seems demanding. Probably a 23 year old would breeze through the competition with plenty of wind left over in his sails but I imagine I will collapse when all is said and done. It involves a LOT of socialization -which is great because I love meeting new people, but it is also meeting new people every few minutes for like 10 hours straight. Dancing, drinking and kissing and hugging and shaking hands with lots and lots of Bears from all over. Most importantly -looking sexy and desirable while doing it. I like modeling but the face to face catwalk stuff is daunting. It's easy when I am in front of a camera
Great NEWS! My Bearlesque contest is shaping up. I have some pretty wonderful contestants and The Edge has been super helpful. They have hired an event coordinator recently and he will be my " HELP! IT'S NOT WORKING guy. You know what I mean - mics break or the music screws up. I will give you a full contestant run down in next week's blog,complete with photos. So what did you say? WHEN is the Talent Search? Oh Come on -I can't believe you asked that! It's Jan 23 at 3pm right here in San Francisco at the Edge! AND -it's not too late to apply for a singing spot. All proceeds go to The Mary Mason Lemonade Fund which offers needed money to theater artists with life threatening illnesses. I know 2 people who have benefited from this organization and I urge you to come and support their cause. I would love to see you there. E-mail me at for any further info. I will be promoting all this weekend with my Lando Bear.
Lando is headed East with me to celebrate my 46th Birthday with my family. It will be "the first" meeting but he is such a likable human being that I am not too nervous. A little nervous? Yes. For all intents and purposes I am bringing home my fiance -at least he will be if the California courts don't let us down. There will be snow and it will be cold. Not an issue for me since I am part Polar Bear but he is Puerto Rican and has been up living in the hot mountain/desert heat of North State for over 20 years. My friends on Face Book are yelling at me, " What the hell are you doing? Freezing him to death? " I tell them to relax because he grew up in Jersey. However he has warned me that he will undergo a severe negative personality change if his feet are cold..Yikes -I'd better buy more thermal sox! Did I tell you WHERE back East? Why Vermont of course! A state that seems to treat Gays and Lesbians who want to get married like human beings instead of the sub human treatment Cali puts us through.
My last blog was a little personal and as some of you know I write this blog for The Complete Bear as well. I wanted to ask those readers in particular about how they felt about the last blog. Was it the sort of thing you'd rather not read? Do you want to just see pics of sexy Bears and Cubs? Or do you want something a little more introspective that deals with life-the good and the bad? Let me know your thoughts. Much appreciated.
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